How Do Interline Agreements Work

As travel becomes more accessible and convenient, interline agreements have become an important aspect of the industry. Interline agreements are agreements made between airlines to allow passengers to travel on multiple airlines with a single ticket. These agreements help airlines expand their destinations and offer passengers more travel options. In this article, we will delve into the details of how interline agreements work.

What is an interline agreement?

An interline agreement is an agreement between two or more airlines that allows passengers to travel on multiple airlines with a single ticket. This means that passengers can book their travel with one airline and then travel on another airline without the need to purchase a separate ticket. When airlines enter into an interline agreement, they agree to honor each other`s tickets, schedules, and baggage allowances.

How do interline agreements work?

When a passenger books a flight on an airline that has an interline agreement with another airline, the passenger is issued a single ticket that covers the entire journey. This means that the passenger can travel on multiple airlines without having to purchase separate tickets for each leg of the journey.

When the passenger arrives at the airport, they check in with the airline they are flying on first. The airline then checks the passenger`s baggage and issues the boarding pass for the first leg of the journey. The airline also provides the passenger with information on the connecting airline and the gate number for the connecting flight.

When the passenger arrives at the destination airport, they collect their baggage and proceed to the next airline`s check-in counter. The second airline then checks the passenger`s baggage and issues the boarding pass for the next leg of the journey.

Benefits of interline agreements

Interline agreements offer several benefits to both airlines and passengers. For airlines, interline agreements allow them to offer passengers more travel options without having to expand their route network. This can help airlines increase their revenue and market share. It also helps airlines reduce the risk of passengers booking with another airline that offers the desired destination.

For passengers, interline agreements offer more travel options and flexibility. This means that they can plan their travel according to their preferences without having to worry about purchasing separate tickets for each leg of the journey. Interline agreements also make it easier to book travel, as passengers can book their entire journey with one airline.


Interline agreements are an important aspect of the travel industry. They allow airlines to expand their route network and offer passengers more travel options. When airlines enter into interline agreements, they agree to honor each other`s tickets, schedules, and baggage allowances. Passengers can travel on multiple airlines with a single ticket, making travel more convenient and flexible. Overall, interline agreements offer benefits to both airlines and passengers, making them a vital part of the travel industry.