Sykes Picot Agreements

The Sykes-Picot Agreements: A Historical Overview

The Sykes-Picot Agreements, also known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret agreement signed on May 16, 1916, between Britain and France during World War I. The negotiation occurred between Sir Mark Sykes, representing Britain, and François Georges-Picot, representing France. The agreement aimed to divide the Ottoman Empire`s territories among the Allies, partitioning the Middle East into different spheres of influence.

The agreement was named after the two negotiators and was signed in secret, without the knowledge of the Ottoman Empire or any Arab leaders. The agreement was created to address the Allies` concerns about the Ottoman Empire`s possible support of Germany during the war. The plan was to divide the Ottoman Empire into separate zones of influence, with France gaining control of Syria and Lebanon, and Britain controlling Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine.

The Sykes-Picot Agreements was a significant moment in history because it marked the end of the Ottoman Empire`s dominance in the Middle East and the beginning of colonialism in the region. The agreement also led to the eventual creation of Israel, the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the ongoing instability in the Middle East today.

The Sykes-Picot Agreements had several consequences that continue to impact the region today. One of the most significant consequences was the creation of arbitrary borders that ignored ethnic, religious, and tribal divisions. This caused tension in the region which remains to this day, leading to conflicts and territorial disputes.

Another consequence of the agreement was the lack of consideration for Arab self-determination, an issue that is still important in the region today. Arab leaders and nationalists felt betrayed by the agreement, as they believed that they were denied their right to determine the future of their own countries.

Furthermore, the Sykes-Picot Agreements paved the way for the establishment of Israel, which resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. This led to tension and conflict in the region, which is still ongoing today and has contributed to the instability of the Middle East.

In conclusion, the Sykes-Picot Agreements were a momentous occasion in history, marking the end of the Ottoman Empire`s dominance in the Middle East and the start of colonialism in the region. The agreement`s consequences have caused tension, conflict, and instability, which continue to affect the Middle East to this day.